Antenna and Wave Propagation

The course gives an awareness of antenna parameter considerations and analysis of the designed antenna with field evaluations for various conditions. Aware of parameter considerations viz. antenna efficiency, beam efficiency, radiation resistance etc. in the design of an antenna
- Capable to analyze the designed antenna and field evaluation under various conditions and formulate the electric as well as the magnetic fields Equation set for Far field and near field conditions.
- Understand the Array system of different antennas and field analysis under application of different currents to the individual antenna elements
- Understand the design issues, operation of fundamental antennas like Yagi-Uda, Horn antennas and helical structure and also their operation methodology in practice.
- Design a lens structure and also the bench step for antenna parameter measurement of testing for their effectiveness.
- Knowledge about the means of propagation of Electromagnetic wave i.e. free space propagation and also about frequency dependent layer selection, its respective issues for an effective transmission of information in the form of EM wave to a remote location and related issues
Name | Antenna and Wave Propagation |
Language | English |
Duration | 1:54 hours |
Sector | Electronics |
Related QP * | ELE/Q6102 - Electronic Hardware Design Engineer , ELE/Q7901 - Quality Engineer , |
Price (INR) | FREE |
Availablity | Available full time |
Certification Availability from Knowledge Partner | Not Available |
Certification Availability from eSkillIndia | Not Available |
Pre-Qualification | Under Graduate |
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